
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Slam Poets Response

3 things that you are looking forward to learning, developing or using in your poetry over the course of our Slam workshops.
  • How to keep my poem alive throughout the whole preformance by having those two lines playing consecutivly after each stanza.
  • How to find the correct words to put in your poems.
  • how to evoke emotion onto the the audiance/ reader.

2 things that Greg or Beth Anne reinforced that we have already been doing in class, or you are already using in your own writing.
  • Well certianly similies using like or as for example when she was talking about the heart.
  • I could connect to their poems because I kind of stole their repetitive chourus and transformed it to my own.

1 poem that you wrote yesterday. Here is your chance to continue to work on step 1 of the 3 step poetry writing process (step 1 - write, revise, edit and proofread, step 2 - memorize, so you can connect with the audience, step 3 - perform!). Take some time to polish your poem from the 10 minutes of writing you did yesterday.


Somthing must be changed, the children are watching

Guns, bombs, and nuclear weapons
Have infected this world like a deadly infection
Spread by the leaders and now a desease
All created by hate, will it ever cease?

Somthing must be changed, the children are watching
Somthing must be changed, the children are watching

Instead of unite, they chose to fight
Not realizing what the have brought to their children
Why cant we all live in peace?
Why have we made fighting our most valuable option?

Somthing must be changed, the children are watching 
Somthing must be changed, the children are watching

They stood there and watched with their young eyes
Held acountable for the wrong of their people
With weapons is how they  replaced education
And stood their to protect their cherished nation

Somthing must be changed, the children are watching
Somthing must be changed, the children are watching 

Future is not a catagory in a land of greed
which makes it a struggle to feed their needs
clenching the last of their reletives to their hearts
and shed no tears for this is their way of life

Somthing must be changed, the children are watching
Somthing must be changed, the children are watching

Lost voices are left with imagration
Forced to withdraw from their previos location
Along with their children who still carry pain
Of the bloodshed and tears unimaginable to our eyes
And made this an understanding of their way of life
Brought with them an example to show unspoken
Results are abuse, and murder leaving lives broken
Jail is the result of their pasts appaling reflection

Somthing must be changed, the children are watching 
One species, one world, we are all human, lets act like some.

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